No.12 Manifest The Word Of God

Text: "Mark 4:21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?
 22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.
 23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear."

There written many parables in Mark chapter 4.  In this chapter, the Lord himself rebuked his disciples with "Know ye not this parable (the parable of sower)? and how then will ye know all parables (of the Bible)?"

The Lord requires his disciples to know all the parables in the Bible.  In addition, in another part of the same chapter, it says "But without a parable spake he not unto them."

Let us take a look at this "Parable Of The Candle." Parallel accounts are written in Matthew 5:15 and Luke 8:16. Through these scriptures, we can understand the meaning of this parable rather objectively. Concerning the meaning of "the candle," there are many interpretations.  I think candle means "the word of God".  Because it is written in Psalms: "Ps 119:105 NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

In addition, the theme of this chapter in Mark 4 is "the word of God" as in the parable of the sower. So, it would be appropriate to interpret this candle as "the word of God." "Candle stick" should mean "church."  Because it says in Revelation that "the seven candles indicate seven churches." If candle means "the word of God", what is the meaning of this parable?

In the real world, no one ever puts a candle stick below a bushel basket or under the bed after he lights it. But, it may happen in the spiritual world.  A candle - the word of God - which ought to shine through out the house, might sometimes be hidden under bushel. This parable talks about this matter.

In this parable, there are three things which hide the candle - the word of God (also see the parables of Matthew, Luke, John).

Of course, each individual word from God is written within the wisdom of God.  So, in the above parables each word has a special meaning. If God says "stones hide the light" or "tables hide the light," the stone or table would have meaning. But, Bible says a vessel, bushel or bed hides the light. Therefore, we can understand that there is hidden meaning in these God-chosen words of vessel, bushel or bed.

By the way, what is the meaning of these three? Let's examine them one by one. In 2 Peter 1:20, it admonishes us "not to make any private interpretation" (an interpretation that does not rely on other scripture). Therefore, it is important to see how this "vessel" may be used in other scriptures.

This "vessel" sometimes is used as "God's workers." Therefore, we can understand the symbolic significance of vessel. The light of God's word basically shines on people. But, this light is sometimes hidden by a vessel - a worker of God. This parable talks about this matter. God's workers are to work to reveal the light of God's word. But some don't do as they were meant to; that should not happen. But, actually, it does sometimes happen that Christians don't yield forth the light of God. And perhaps we may have even experienced that. For example, take two of God's workers. Though both of them may preach from same scripture, the light of the word may differ. Depending on the particular vessel, the light of God's word may not reach the people but may be darkened. Therefore, there is one important thing when we work as vessels of God. That is, not to hide or darken the light of God's word by our lives.

Next, let's look at "a bushel." What is the meaning of "a bushel?" What does God mean through "bushel?" Bushel means "a grain measurement [about 35 liters]." To understand this term it will be helpful for us to understand the word context around it.

"Mark 4:24 And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given."

In this parable, it talks about "measure"  But, it is not told what shall be measured.  Therefore, it became an ambiguous parable and very difficult to grasp its idea. But as in other parables, if the disciples would ask the Lord the meaning of the parable, they would be given the key to it. The key to "measure" is "bushel" - a measure of grain, written in the verses just before.

We can understand that "a bushel" also relates to the "sower" of the previous verses. So, the parables of Mark chapter 4 are connected to each other. For instance:

So, the connection between these parables is this: Though the word of God - seed is the same, the bushel and the measure of seed are different depending on the person.  One man plants a little and receives only a one bushel harvest of grain. Another received 10 bushel based on his planting, another 100 bushels. Each man is measured to him according to the bushel of faith he brought. If someone brings a large measure of faith, he will be given much.  But if he brings small faith, he will be given little.

Actually, this parable talks about our respect for God's word. Concerning the word of God, some will only have some respect but little at that. Others will have a big measure of respect and honor for the Word. A varying quantity of grace contingent upon one's measurement of faith will be given.

We can now see the meaning of "a candle ... put under a bushel" little by little.  That is to say, if our estimate of God's word is small or inappropriate, this will darken the light of God's word. This parable warns us about this matter.

So, it is important when we serve the word of God not to make the light of God's word darkened because of our measure's smallness or inappropriateness.

Let's look at the word "bed".  We can not understand what kind of problem is lying upon the bed and why the bed is used to hide the candle.  But, scripture clearly says "he expounded all things to his disciples." So, if we seek the understanding of this parable as a disciple, it should be expounded to us as well.

This word 'bed" is "kline" in Greek. When we search this word, we can find one thing. Whenever this word is used in Greek Septuagint or Greek old testament and in the new testament, it is always used with "disease." For example, it is used as a bed on which a sick man inclined or another man becomes diseased when he sleep in this bed.  So, it is like "sick bed." God uses this kind of word in this parable. God says "not to put the candle (the word of God) below the sick bed."  What does this mean? This means our "sicknesses" hide the light of God's word.  In Bible, there written many diseases. These diseases are frequently written in relation to spiritual weakness or problems.

For example, in the scripture when Jesus healed a man blind from birth, the Lord told a Pharisee,"  If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth."

From this scripture, we can understand, blindness means spiritual blindness or weakness. When Paul says, "lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees" he is talking about spiritual disease through physical disease or weakness.

Actually, our spiritual disease or weakness darkens the word of God when we preach it. For example, if we are spiritual cripples with a foot disease, we can not walk the Christian life straight.  So, we can not preach a message of "walking with victory."  Our foot disease (spiritual problem) damages the word of God. And if we have an eye or ear disease and can not see or hear the word of God, it is difficult for us to carry the light of God's word properrly.

Let's do the will of God in the end time.




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