TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 2: 9- 15 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamfacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. (KJV)

Today I would like to deliver a message entitled gTEACHING OF WOMAN.h

When God created the first woman, Eve, He said, gI will make him an help meet for him.h So, we know that the purpose for the creation of woman is to make a man a help. A man here is the type of Christ according to Ephesians, and accordingly a woman is the type of the Church. There may be some people who are angry to hear, gA woman is a help,h with his idea of equal rights for men and women, but the only standard to us is the Bible and the Word, not the idea of this world.

Well, the Church, woman, was originally created as a help for Christ, but woman is crooked in the end time and becomes independent from man, Christ, with her own idea and teaching. But such is not the will of God. The above text is the passage where God warns us of it.

Letfs look at the text.

9 gIn like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamfacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.h

It is told here the image of how woman, the Church, should be. It is told, gwomen adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamfacedness and sobriety.h It is written, gbroided hair.h

Womanfs hair is related to authority. Therefore, it is of course important for the Church to follow authority, but is not recommended to adorn with it. And, gold is the metaphor of faith, as is told on the epistle of Peter, gThat the trial of your faith, being much more precious that of gold that perisheth.h So, such honor or adornment as, gIt is such a faithful church,h is not recommended. Pearls are jewels and a kind of treasure and may show gift. It is even not recommended to make gift honorable. Array is related to righteousness or unrighteousness, as white clothes refer to righteousness. It is important that the Church is filled with righteousness, but is it no good to honor it?

10 gBut (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.h

What is rather recommended here is to do good works, that is, to do the Word.

We should know that it is the Godfs will for us to do the Word, even though it is now that there are many people who have reason and knowledge but do not do the Word.

11 gLet the woman learn in silence with all subjection.h

What is important to woman, the Church, is to learn in silence, that is, to not bring out every thing her opinion, way, or argument and to learn of Christ with all subjection.

It suggests many churches bringing out any thing of their own idea and way, that it is written like this with intention. We should learn that it is honored in this world but not in the Bible to have their own opinion and way. And, there are only a few churches that learn of Christ with all subjection, but are conversely many that are unbelieving or unfaithful.

12 gBut I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.h

It is basically not good for woman to be a teacher or pastor ignoring man. This indicates such firstly. But it has another hidden meaning. It is that woman, a church, that teaches ignoring man, Christ. It is written the man here, so is singular, one man. What does it refer to? It says about Christ.

Therefore, to usurp authority over the man tells no other than that the Church stands over Christ unnoticed and usurp authority. This is outrageous, but is happening now.

Isnft it publicly denying the authority and teaching of Christ and usurping the authority of woman over Christ that they call a man, gPapa, Papa,h neglecting the word of Christ, gDo not call anyone on earth father?f And, It is also usurping the authority of woman, the Church, over Christ that they betray the Person of the Word using unreasonable sophistry saying before the image of Mary such as, gThis looks like idol, but is actually not because our heart is not for it,h with neglecting the clear Word, gDo not worship idol.h

And, it is also written, gI suffer not a woman to teach.h So, the time will come when woman teaches her own thoughts ignoring the Person of the Word, Christ. But God does not suffer it.

Many teachings of the Catholic are not from Christ but from woman, that is, their own. The Bible clearly says there is no salvation other than Christ as below.

ACTS 4: 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (KJV)

But, woman who quibbles, the Catholic Church, is never ashamed to say such unreasonable teaching of their own as, gGod is love, and so Hindus can be also saved. This is never from the Man, Christ, but is exactly the teaching of woman.

13 gFor Adam was first formed, then Eve.h

The first man, Adam, is the type of Christ, and Eve the Church. And Christ is first, and the Church next. There should be the order. The Church should never be the first or say their own idea.

14 gAnd Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.h

As Adam was not deceived, Christ will never be deceived by Satan. But, the woman was deceived. Likewise, the woman who is off the Word of Christ and has her own teaching, the Church, looks clever but will be in fact deceived foolishly by the serpent. The event that the woman was deceived in the Garden of Eden is historical fact and at the same time is also the prophecy for the Church in future.

Those who worship the spirit of Mary of devil are already positioning near destruction, saying such unreasonable thing as, gWe are more flexible and applicable in thoughts than narrow-minded Protestants.h

Of course, there are not only the Catholic people but also many of the Protestant people who have the teaching of woman of their own that is far from Christ.

15 gNotwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.h

Then, how does the woman, the Church, walk? The answer is this verse.

Firstly, the word gwith sobrietyh means to be not reckless. And, she should have faith in Christ. It is now the time of no faith. And, she should have love for God. She should have holiness and be sanctified from the spirit of this world, devils. Then, she should bear children. The relation between parents and children in the world of faith does not refer to that of blood but of parents and children in faith such as that between Paul and Timothy. So, childbearing refers to lead people into salvation.

And, then, the woman, the Church, will be saved.

Letfs do the will of the Lord in the end time.


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