Cleansing for the kingdom



      A sure sign of religious authoritarianism is a zealousness to rid the
      world of its opposition. In the minds of many Charismatic Dominionists,
      the authority of the apostles and prophets cannot be questioned by anyone,
      friend or foe. Their placement of rulership in the Kingdom of God is to be
      free from dissenters or the new unity will be broken. Therefore it will be
      necessary that those who challenge their teachings and their authority to
      be removed. Of course many have been labeled as anti Christ or committing
      blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Paulk comments on not recognizing what is
      happening gTherefore, the spirit of antichrist refuses to recognize that
      GOD IS HERE IN THE FLESH.h (Earl Paulk gThe Wounded Body of Christh).
      Paulkfs meaning of this is the body of Christ. The Bible says He (Jesus)
      came in the flesh not that he is here now in the flesh. Yes God dwells in
      his people as the Church corporately and individually, but we are not an
      incarnation. Christ took his incarnated body to heaven and this
      incarnation event is not to be repeated. To call those antichrist who do
      not subscribe to this is to accuse almost the whole church throughout all
      of its history as ignorant. Paulk either misunderstands the meaning of the
      incarnation or purposely changes what it means.
      Biblically the spirit of antichrist is one that opposes the person of
      Christ, by denying he did come in the flesh. To change the incarnation of
      Christ to instead be his collective body would be more like the biblical
      warning of having the spirit of antichrist. Because it is denying that He
      alone came in the flesh, it is denying His unique incarnation. Johnfs
      point is to have the believers discern those who hold to the apostlefs
      doctrine of the single virgin birth of the savior, meaning God coming from
      heaven in a man. Both Hinn and Copeland believe Anti-Christ means
      anti-anointing. gIt is the devil who is the one fighting what is
      anointed.h Translated in their terms, if you come against what they say,
      you are antichrist. (aka: Donft touch Godfs anointed). This why they can
      say the things they say, such as we are little messiahs and anointed just
      like Jesus. Because they are convinced of their mission being from God.
      But God can put in ones heart to fulfill his purposes and they would not
      be working for his kingdom at all. He does this with Joels army and he
      does with the 4th kingdom at the end of days.
      One of the more concerning areas of this new thing is to PURGE THE EARTH
      of undesirables. This is the goal of the New Age movement, to change the
      Church first and bring peace and unity to mankind without the Prince of
      Peace being personally here. They know that the orthodox Church is against
      this world government by their apostles (ascended masters). How
      coincidental is it that these new prophets and apostles say the very same
      things? Those who do not go along with the five-fold model of ministry and
      obey the new Government that will be installed run by the gnewh prophets
      and apostles will be taken out of the way.
      The new age cleansing is to fall on those who  refuse the light initiation
      of Lucifer which is a an experience of realizing everything is one. This
      will bring a crisis period for the earth to be cleansed and purified of
      those who do not want this unity. The Church cleansing seems too involve
      the new anointing and the leaders that dispense it.
      Franklin Hall, a forerunner and promoter of the Latter Rain in the 40's
      stated: gThe man-child group of the sons of God will be required gto rule
      the nations, with a rod of ironh (Revelation 12:5). To those not accepting
      this invitation into Holy Ghost Light Of fire, there is but one
      alternative: the opposite to light is DARKNESS. The Light of Life will be
      to them a blinding and consuming fire of destruction!h (Franklin Hall,
      gSubdue The Earth, Rule The Nationsh, Franklin Hall Ministries, 1966, p.
      gThere are differences of opinion among Dominionists as to how dissenters
      will be removed, but there are essentially five ways in which that may
      occur: 1) God will supernaturally strike dead those who oppose His
      apostles and prophets; 2) God will send, or allow satanic forces to send
      plagues upon dissenters; 3) the Church (or certain govercomersh) will
      pronounce God's judgment upon dissenters, thus moving God to destroy them;
      4) the Church will, out of gnecessity,h use physical force by which it
      will judge, sentence, and execute judgment (including death) upon
      dissenters; 5) all or any combination of the above may take place.h (Al
      Dager, Vengeance Is Ours, p.96-97)
      If anyone can remember back to the June 9th, 1994 fiasco Hinkley on TBN
      clearly promoted a Kingdom Dominion prophecy where he said gevil will be
      ripped from the earth.h The kingdom was to come because evil was to be
      ripped from the earth. This is what we are hearing more and more these
      Others seemed to have received the same message at that time git is a time
      for judgment and cleansing. It must be done that my church will be
      ready...h gThis is a cleansing that removes evil from the whole world and
      activates a worldwide spiritual revival with millions of people pouring
      into the church.h (Don Hackman, gTHE EVANGELISTh) Many others such as
      David Griffis, director of the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Colorado,
      had a vision in which he heard the Lord speak and saw a picture in his
      mind. g'June the 9th.' I saw the date in my mind and then described what
      would be attributed to a great disaster or even the tribulation.h Teri his
      wife put out a fleece to see if the date is correct and heard June the 9th
      IS CORRECT. (Quoted in Discernment newsletter) Those who are looking for
      this type of scenario seem to hear all too often what is the opposite of
      the Scripture writings. Not only was the date wrong, but the content is
      unbiblical without Christfs coming. It is rare if anyone is corrected
      among themselves and so it continues within the Third Wave today at
      unprecedented proportions.
      This kind of mistake often happens when someone is using a spiritualizing
      method of interpretation in prophecy instead of its literal meaning in
      context. This is why they can say the virgin (the Church) is with child
      gThe virgin Church is gin labour and in pain to give birthh (Rev 12:1-2)
      ... for I say to you, once again, the virgin is with child. Before Jesus
      Himself returns, the last virgin Church shall become pregnant with the
      promise of God. Out of her travail, the Body of Christ shall come forth,
      raised to the full statute of its Head, the Lord Jesus. Corporately
      manifested in holiness, power and love, the Bride of Christ shall ariseh
      (Francis Frangipane,h In the Presence of Godh   1994 Chapter: gThe Virgin
      Shall Be With Childh pages 153-157). While he may be thinking the best for
      the Church, I would say that the bible makes it clear, he is getting a
      little ahead of Christ.
      In the place of literal interpretation of prophecy we find Replacement
      Theology sometimes mixed with Manifest Sons of God teaching. Prophecies
      that are for the nation of future Israel are instead applied to the
      Church. Spiritualizing passages instead of finding its literal meaning is
      common place, the meaning is in the hand of the wielder.
      An example is the dry bones that come back to life in Ezekiel 37:1-11.
      They are said to be the Restoration of the Church out of Babylon
      (denominationalism; which separates) into perfect unity (Branham taught
      this). Eventually all believers will possess the same mind, and same goals
      under the government of the apostles and prophets in their Kingdom Age.
      Others are also speaking of this gcleansing action.h A prophecy by Glenn
      Foster reads: gI have been cleansing the Church. Now I am ready to begin
      cleansing the nations...The fire that falls first is upon the sacrifice on
      the altar that's my Church. Then the fire falls upon the false prophets -
      that's the government and leadership of the world that rules in cruelty in
      its own wisdom ... This is a special day - an appointed time...Behold, my
      Jehus are ready to receive a fresh anointing. Jehu will replace the rule
      of Ahab and Jezebel ... there is a prophetic word upon the lips of the
      Elijahs of this hour, which shall feed the flesh of Jezebel to the dogs.
      (FIELDS OF HONEY, A prophetic message spoken by Glen Foster July 11, 1994.
      quoted in Discernment Newsletter)
      First we need to understand that this prophecy applies OT typology to the
      Church that the NT does not. We are not the Altar! Nor are there Jehus and
      many Elijahs, this man is prophesying by his own spirit, as his
      theological bent betrays his teaching influence. Of course to those who
      are trained to spiritualize scripture in this manner, this makes perfect
      sense. If you have a Gnostic approach to understanding holy writ then one
      is justified in using real characters in the OT and applying it to all
      kinds of individuals and movements today. Nowhere do we find an apostle
      saying that another apostle or church member is like Moses or has the
      spirit of Zechariah or many Elijahs. Certainly we can say use examples
      like Elijah but this is not the way they are stating it.
      This kind of teaching certainly needs to be challenged, but when those who
      ask for a Biblical references for this position, they are demeaned and
      judged as unworthy.
      A judgmental spirit is seen by the very ones who say not to judge and then
      they turn around and label others as having the spirit of anti-christ or
      committing blasphemy because they question their teachings as unbiblical.
      The promoters of the gnew thingh like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and
      many others are threatened by those who ask the people to test their
      teachings. Not only do they want to sit in judgment on the world but the
      Church as well. They put fear in people by making them feel that are
      coming against Godfs healing and anointing if they say anything contrary.
      Kenneth Copeland gives the admonishment gOne of these days, you may just
      be talking to someone, asking them how things went at church last Sunday,
      and they may say, eOh it was great! The glory of God was so strong it
      healed 16 cripples, opened the ears of thirty dead people, cured seven
      cases of cancer and killed Brother Bigmouth and Sister Strifeeg (Voice of
      Victoryh Oct. 94) When Peter dealt with Annanias and Sapphirra he did not
      look for this action to occur; it was an immediate instruction and
      judgment from the Lord on 2 people who gave their word and lied.
      Rodney Howard-Browne: gI'm telling your right now,h he hissed, gyou'll
      drop dead if you prohibit what God is doing!h Dramatically he gestured
      toward the crowd and warned them that those like me, who would dare to
      question that what he was doing was of God, had committed the unpardonable
      sin and would not be forgiven in this world or the next.h (Rodeny
      Boward-Browne, Melodyland Christian Center, Anaheim, CA,    from
      Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaf, 1997, pg. 22)
      Benny Hinn states gI place a curse on every man and woman that will
      stretch his hand against this anointing. I curse that man who dares to
      speak a word against this ministry.h (Sept. 13, 1999 TBN) This is not
      judgments spoken about the church to repent and going back to her first
      love but is spoken against those who speak personally about the new thing
      and his ministry. These men are obviously threatened by those who speak up
      about their teachings. Is God worried about anyonefs hand against His
      (person) anointing? This is ludicrous. Did any apostle threaten someone
      like this? We should consider James and Johnfs statement of wanting
      vengeance, such as wanting to call lightning down from heaven on their
      opposers and cleanse the earth of them. Jesus said they did not know what
      spirit they were of.
      It is Jesus himself who comes and purges (wipes out all the enemies on the
      earth when he comes back). The Church does not help but is a bystander as
      his robe is stained with the blood of Godfs enemies. The Lord states in
      the Scripture: gVengeance is mine,h not the Churchfs! To attack peoplefs
      character and label them without addressing the Biblical issues brought up
      is not the way God wants this handled! To claim to be a prophet and
      dismiss peoplefs inquiries and threaten them is certainly not exhibiting
      an anointing from God. People seem to forget that the Church from its
      beginnings called into question peoples teachings and dealt harshly with
      it if necessary. False teaching does not affect individuals any longer,
      itfs pumped over the radio, TV, in reading of books, and it affects
      millions. Therefore it needs to be exposed in a new ways and the internet
      is just one advantage among many.

      The Latter Rain Dominion theology (Kingdom Now) is tied into
      Reconstructionism which rejects the pre-millennial view of history and
      eschatology and promotes the postmillennial view. Pre-millennialism
      teaches that Christ will return bodily to earth in His Second Coming
      before the Millennium. Reconstructionism affirms that Christ will not
      return bodily to earth in His Second Coming until after the Millennium has
      been fully developed on earth by the Church. The Pentecostal Latter Rain
      adopted this position going further in the interpretation by saying it is
      the supercharged Church that rules on the earth through the Millennium
      without the person of Christ through apostles and prophets.
      gDispensationalismh has always maintained a clear distinction between the
      Church and Israel after the ascension of Christ. Without this distinction
      the differences of the Church and Israel are blurred and ones eschatology
      becomes affected. gKingdom Nowh believes that since Jesus Christfs
      ascension, He reigns as the king in heaven and the Church is reigning on
      earth by marching forward defeating His enemies, increasing the spread of
      the Kingdom of God, until the end of the future Millennium when the 2nd
      coming of Christ occurs. Most Reconstructionists believe they are already
      in the millennium, the Church is expected to progressively take greater
      dominion. gWe are to pull down the ungodly strongholds of this world, and
      we are to erect godly institutions in their place.h (Tom Rose, gChrist's
      Kingdom: How Shall We Build?h in Journal of Christian Reconstruction,
      Summer 1981 Quoted in What ever happened to Heaven Dave Hunt.).
      Reconstruction author George Grant writes: gThe army of God is to conquer
      the earth, to subdue it, to rule over it, to exercise dominion. Christians
      are called to war. And it is a war we are expected to win.h (George Grant,
      Bringing in the Sheaves (American Vision Press, 1985), p. 98.) David
      Chilton believes, gOur goal is world dominion under Christfs lordship, a
      world takeoverf if you will. (Christ has) commissioned us to take over the
      world.h Gary North writes, gGod wants Christians to control the earth on
      His behalf.h Y2K would have neatly fit into this plan (North being one of
      the main promoters of this ultimate disaster) if it had transpired as many
      thought it would, but it became the great disappointment for those who
      wanted the chance to rebuild things the right way.
      The premise of today's Reconstructionism (Kingdom Theology) like its
      predecessor is to restore what man lost over the earth when Adam and Eve
      obeyed Satan's temptation in the Garden of Eden and fell. Manfs dominion
      was gone and God lost control of the earth to Satan, and since that time
      has been looking for a gcovenant peopleh who will be His gextension,h or
      gexpression,h in the earth and take dominion back from Satan.
      This is a major part in the Word/Faith movement as well. As Fred Price
      states, gBut God has to be given permission to work in this earth realm on
      behalf of man. You are in control! So if man has control, who no longer
      has it? God.....When God gave Adam dominion, that meant God no longer had
      dominion. So God cannot do anything in this earth unless we let Him. And
      the way we let Him or give Him permission is through prayer.h (Fred Price,
      gPrayer: Do You Know What Prayer Is...and How to Pray? g (The Word Study
      Bible, 1990. p. 1178).
      This is the basis of Kingdom Dominionism. Man is not taking the control.
      Although Price may push the envelope further than most it all has the same
      end. Man centered spirituality is how the gnewh Christianity is to
      operate, but not the ancient faith. We need permission from God, not He
      from us. Prayer is for His will to be done not to have Him enforce ours.
      Karen Wheaton who is a passionate and talented singer has sang on TBN
      telethons Benny Hinn crusades and now with Rod Parsley sings this catchy
      tune: gI'm taking back my stuff, I'm taking back what the Devil stole from
      me, I'm taking it backh (having the people sing along repeating it several
      times), taking back, my joy, health home, kids, etc. You name it its all
      coming back. (Louiville Kentucky crusade Freedom Hall,  aired 7/24/2000 on
      This dominion of planet earth will be accomplished through the Church and
      more specifically by certain group of govercomersh that yield themselves
      to the leadership of God's new apostles and prophets authority.
      Ern Baxter said in 1975: gWe are talking of man coming into the fullness
      of his self realization, into his ultimate destiny as the image of God.
      This beloved One came to become the Pattern Son to become the Ideal Man
      after which he would pattern a whole community of redeemed ones. What he
      was in his incarnate power and life, they become in their corporate power
      and life. Godfs purpose is not to redeem a bunch of people to sit at a bus
      stop and wait for the bus to come along and get them out of the worldfs
      mess. He came as King so that under their authority the redeemed community
      might become the means whereby he would establish Godfs sovereign right in
      his own redeemed earth. We have individual salvation - but in the nation
      we have corporate salvation...Godfs people are going to start to exercise
      rule and theyfre going to take dominion over the power of Satan. As the
      rod of his strength goes out of Zion, he will change legislation, he will
      chase the devil off the face of Godfs earth and Godfs people will bring
      about Godfs purposes and Godfs reign.h (MacPherson gCan The Elect Be
      Deceivedh 1986)
      Standard Reconstructionism teaches that Christ bound Satan and his demons
      in the past by his death, resurrection, and ascension. In the Pentecostal
      (Latter Rain) Reconstructionist view they bind Satan now and take over his
      goods and rule through spiritual warfare prayer. This is why we are
      hearing so often today to take it back from the Devil, or the Church needs
      to possess the goods to do its work. In this respect we have John
      Avanzini, Rod Parsley, Benny Hinn, R.W. Shambach and many others talk
      about the Jubilee and the Church receiving her freedom from debt. Rod
      Parsley states gJust before the return of Jesus Christ, God is going to
      restore to the Church everything the devil has stolen.h (Breakthrough
      Some give a greater significance to this event as a financial revival (is
      there such a thing in the bible?) But they all agree that the Church must
      have healing, gain control of the wealth to preach the gospel to all
      nations and have the kingdom come.
      Rick Joyner: gI do believe you know wealth in a sense is like energy you
      can't destroy it, its just transferred and I believe in a great economic
      collapse the wealth of the world will not destroyed, it will be
      transferred and I believe a lot of it will be transferred to the
      believers.h (CBN, Jan 3, 2000)
      Maxwell Whyte writes that we can be instantly healed of sickness by
      pleading the blood as well as receive the Holy Spirit by this method. (The
      Power of the Blood ch.7-8 Whyte). He also writes about (Ephesians 5:27)
      gThe Bride must be perfected with no spiritual, mental or physical
      sickness when the Bridegroom comes for her.h (Whyte, Christian Life, p.
      Creflo Dollar goes even further, in his position gGod is coming back for a
      church without spot or blemish so he is not coming back to a church in
      debt this revival must take place before Jesus can come back He cannot
      come back for a broke church, he cannot come back for a sick church, he
      cannot come back for a church that is in debt that would be against his
      word. I'm coming back for a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle, so
      that means there's going to be some quick transference going on.h (LeSea
      network Mar. 27, 2000) Taking back the world's material wealth not having
      sickness is not the Bibles position for the last days. There are more
      warnings about this very thing than for it. (ie. James. 5:1-3;2 Tim. 3:1;
      Rev. 3:14).
      Premillennialism teaches that after His Second Coming, Christ will
      establish the literal, earthly, political, Millennial Kingdom of God and
      will be physically present to rule this earth for a thousand years. In
      this view the Millennial Kingdom of God has not come.
      In this new modified view of reconstruction held by certain leading
      Pentecostals an elite remnant army of overcomers will subdue all of
      Christfs enemies, they will gain power and authority throughout the world
      through signs and wonders. Those who hold the view of triumphalism believe
      the nations governments will be upon their shoulders and when all the
      secular authorities, governments, rulers and kings have finally submitted
      to their rulership, Christ will then return and they will present the
      kingdom to Him. Hardly the scenario of Isa. 9:6-7. This theory is based
      upon the idea that all authority in heaven and on the earth has been given
      to Jesus, and since believers are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit that
      indwelt Jesus, we too have all authority on the earth as Jesus has in
      heaven; therefore we can do the miracles that He did. And with this power,
      restructure America first and then the rest of the world.
      Godfs right to rule in the affairs of men is not promoted by any
      government. The question we need to ask is would it be any different if
      there were a Christian form of government? In the OT God spoke to the
      prophet or the King for the people. This is what Dominionism wants us to
      go back to, except the king would not be Jesus physically on earth. So who
      would it be?
      The United States government is no more corrupt than was the Roman
      government was in Christfs day. Yet we see no instruction from Jesus to
      reform them, only to preach the message that would save their souls. Could
      we, now over 1900 years later do what the apostles and the early Church
      with all its power could not? Those who believe ruling in educational,
      political positions in government will change countries. This has been
      tried in history before, by the Catholic Church. So it should not be
      surprising to see many of these same people promoting this to be united
      with the Catholic Church, or have nothing to say about it. The agenda
      would be the same, it may even lead to mutual cooperation.
      Nowhere does the Bible instruct us to reform this world. Examples from the
      bible of those who had this opportunity never did so. Joseph as second
      only to Pharaoh, Esther with King Ahasuerus, and Daniel did not change the
      society they lived in. God used these men to preserve His people, but not
      to restructure an anti-God culture into a godly one. Christ never
      attempted to reform the evil world of His day, neither did he give any
      instruction to the Apostles to do so. They gturned the world upside downh
      (Acts 17:6) by preaching the gospel, not by teaching or implementing
      morals on an evil society. This does not exclude us to be salt and light,
      but it does exclude us from changing the laws so the unsaved can live like
      the saved. Yes we are to save lives and yes we are to expose gthe
      unfruitful works of darkness.h But the truth is to be exalted so that
      falsehood will fall dead in the streets. It is a matter of choice not
      implementing a rule over the majority of the people. It never worked
      before and it will only work when Christ comes to rule in perfect justice.

      Any greformationh of society has come when individuals were transformed
      through faith in Christ and their lives then became an influence for good
      in society. It cannot be transformed by implementing laws on others to
      live so they would have a form of godliness without the power.
      gHave been foreordained of God to become that people who will become so
      glorified that we can bring Christ back to the earth. This glorified
      church must make the earth God's footstool before Jesus can come again.h
      (From The Wounded Body of Christ. Earl Paulk, quoted in Jewel Van der
      Merwe's book Joel's Army). The Bible teaches heaven is His throne the
      earth is (already) His footstool.
      C. Peter Wagner states gI believe that the government of the church is
      finally coming into place and that is what the Scripture teaches in Eph.
      2, that the foundation of the church is apostles and prophets. Previous to
      this decade of the 80's and the 90's we practically ignored prophets and
      apostles and now wefre seeing, what I believe is a major reason.  Wefre
      going to new levels in prayer. Wefre going to new levels in the spiritual.
      Wefre going to new levels in healing and miracles. Wefre going to new
      levels in deliverance of demonic deliverance. And so this is the new era
      we are going into and I don't know if it is coincidental or what, but its
      just as we are moving into the new millennium.h (CBN interview Jan. 3,
      What we have is too many chiefs and not enough servants. This appeals to
      the pride of man and the fallen nature to be special and powerful. The
      shepherding movement now has metamorphosed into the apostolic movement
      that wants to rule the Church and then the world.
      The Church has failed but will now be successful under new leadership.
      John Arnott says gYes, Lord, we're going to go for it, we're gonna try to
      do our part to bring the kingdom of God here...and wouldn't it be
      wonderful if the Lord would start to move in power and restore the church
      to its proper place and make us the head and not the tail?h (John Arnott,
      TACF, 10/19/94) First of all we need to understand Christ is the head of
      the Church so we were never the tail. If the Church is under Christ we are
      in the proper place already.
      gFor Jesus staked a claim over every piece of ground on this earth and I
      have arisen to fully possess it. This is the day when I will cast out the
      deceivers who have settled on land that rightfully belongs to Me. For this
      belongs to Christ and His heirs and we are about to dispossess the ones
      who have falsely possessed it. Come one and all for we must fight for our
      rights. Do, as I say and we shall surely reclaim our ground.h (prophecy to
      Jane Williams Christian fellowship church Columbia Apr. 7 1996)
      It is very questionable to think that Jesus is going to rid the squatters
      in this way
      Another eschatological viewpoint of Kingdom Theology is that the Great
      Tribulation is seen not as a time when anti-Christ will reign and war
      against God's people, but rather a time of tribulation for the world
      brought about by God's judgment through his people. A Joelfs Army scenario
      that is not  the biblical truth. Many seem to overlook that God is the
      source of judgment for the great tribulation on a unrepentant world.
      Anti-Christ is considered by some not to be a person, or even a system of
      government, but a spirit of rebellion against God's new authority
      represented by apostles and prophets. Some even teach that the antichrist
      is not a person but is anything that comes against or challenges the
      anointing of God. According to some interpretations of I John 4:2 and II
      John 7 the meaning of the coming of Jesus in the flesh is his deity
      manifesting in the church
      Copeland states that God had his hands tied until now. gBut I'm telling
      you all the restrictions that have been on God for 6,000 years will be
      off. All the restrictions that have been on the angels for 6,000 years
      will be off. All the deal is off, the bible says that god is going to rise
      like a man that has been in sleep he's going to rise. And really this is
      the Copeland translation he is going to rise up and start rippinf and a
      tearine. He has been out of the loop gone enough, we gonna have some
      bottom settling here so you and I need to be in our place. g(TBN, Jesus Is
      Lord, Jan. 11, 2,000)
      My Bible says He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He has not been on a
      vacation nor will he ever take one.
      gThe Church is the feet of Jesus. God promised Jesus 'I will train your
      feet, and use them to tread down and crush your enemies.'g ( Francis
      Frangipane, in Charisma magazine July 1993 )
      Satan and all enemies of God will be put under the feet of the corporate
      gman childh the new sons of God. This will be the fulfillment of I
      Corinthians 15:25-26: gFor he (Christ) must reign, till he hath put all
      enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.h
      God the Father says to the Son in Heb 1:13: gBut to which of the angels
      has He ever said: gSit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your
      Heb. 10:12-13: gBut this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins
      forever, sat down at the right hand of God, from that time waiting till
      His enemies are made His footstool.h Who makes the enemies his footstool?
      God the Father, NOT the Church!h
      Paulk gives people overconfidence that Jesus Christ had the authority to
      say gNoh to death on earth, and He is waiting for us to come to that same
      authority He had so we can say, gThe last enemy--death-has been
      Have we forgotten history gFoxe's Book of Martyrsh is filled with many
      stories of those that gave their life for Christ, even the apostles. Are
      we any different? The saints will always overcome evil and Satan, but not
      through taking dominion over the worlds institutions or creating a
      paradise or a Christian millennium. Scripture instead states that we the
      saints overcome through gthe blood of the Lamb and by the word of their
      testimonyh, and do not glove their lives to the death.h (Rev. 12:11). My
      Bible says he overcomes the Saints during the tribulation, and that is
      what is coming on the world. Not a Christian society. But we are not to be
      dismayed because we do have the eventual victory.
      Pt.4  Spiritual war-Joels army marches today.

            W. Branham's HistoryWhat is the true Latter RainBranham's teachings

            Manifest Sons of God doctrinePaul CainA Prophets ProphetJoel's Army

            The "new order" of the Latter RainBranham's beliefsThe new thing

            Kingdom Dominionism  pt.1Who has all authority? pt2The cleansing for
            the Kingdom pt.3

            Spiritual war Pt.4